Thursday, October 11, 2012

The concept of Leadership as it applies to me

The following are Ten qualities that i think will make me a good leader.

ü  I adhere to goals till they are achieved – i will never waver from my goals to make sure the mission is ultimately accomplished with high spirits .

ü  I have the ability to learn on the job – I try to learn as he grew into the job. Experience doesn't mean everything as my previous post explains.

ü  I am willing to share credit for success – I share credit for successes with teammates.

ü  I am not willing to share blame for failures – It’s very important for a leader to accept his mistakes or else he can’t be an inspirational leader.

ü  I am Aware of own weaknesses – I am aware of my weaknesses and try to compensate them with my strengths.
ü  I am in control of my emotions – There should not be harsh reaction from leader which can de motivate the team mates.

ü  I Know how to relax – It’s not just about the work but the work ethic matters a lot, if u don’t enjoy the work you are doing then there is no point doing it.

ü   I willing to listen to differing points of view - this makes us to understand other’s point of view and in turn avoid conflicts.
ü  I manage directly by "walking around" – Leadership for me is not only about managing but also engaging with the team in the highs and lows and also having a sense of being connected.

ü  I have the ability to communicate goals and vision – I try my level best to communicate the bigger picture to the team mates which make them get connected with the greatness of the purpose.

        All the above qualities will equip me in being a good Leader.